Tuesday, January 28, 2014

CNA #2

New Zealand doctor 'stitches up leg' after shark attack

James Grant, a doctor, was fishing near Colac Bay, New Zealand when a shark bit his leg. After stabbing the shark to escape, Grant stitched up his leg using a first aid kit. He then traveled to a nearby pub for a drink. Source.

Royal overspend prompts call to open palace doors

Because of overspending by the royal family, the Public Accounts Committee is encouraging the Queen to find ways to increase the royal family's income. One suggestion includes opening Buckingham palace to visitors more often. Income from the palace visitations could also be used to manage historic properties such as Windsor Castle and Victoria and Albert Mausoleum. Source

German cows cause methane blast in Rasdorf

Dairy cows in Rasdorf, Germany produced such a high methane concentration that the shed they lived in exploded. The explosion  was sparked by a static electric charge. Only one cow and the roof of the shed were damaged. Source

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