Thursday, January 30, 2014

Writing for the Mass Media 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.

1. He was charged with trafficking in drugs.
2. The Rev. Billy Graham said God was alive and his will would triumph.
3.The flag, which Francis Scott Key saw, has been preserved.
4. Lifelike, outfielder, interracial, IOUs.
5. Pianos, nationwide, PTA, Vietnam War
6. The train will arrive at noon Tuesday.
7. The U.S. Census Bureau defines the South as a 16-state region.
8. The judge ruled that, because of his verbal skills, he had entered into an oral contract.
9. She had an afternoon snack of Oreo cookies and Coke.
10.  harass, accommodate, weird, likable.
11. doughnut, pantsuit, plow, National Weather Service.

1. The  Department of Defenseis about to propose a new missile system.
2. FCC, hitchhiker, $3, 4 million.
3. The three most important people in his life are his wife, son and mother.
4. part time, 10-year-old, 5 p.m., 5,300.
5. The Cardinals won the last game of the World Series, 7-5.
6. spring, fall, south, South.
7. Nov. 15, the last day of February, March 16.
8. Thirteen people traveled to Austin, Texas for the rally.
9. He had 10 cents left in his pocket.
10. homemade, well-known, Italian-American, questionnaire

1. The United States is sometimes not the best market for U.S. products.?
2. upward
British Labour Party
Riverside Avenue
3. The Republican differed from the Democrat many times during the debate.
4. Drs. John Smith and Mary Wilson performed the operations.
5. goodwill
USS Eisenhower
6. He said he was neither a communist nor a member of the Communist Party.
7. After her surgery, she had to wear a pacemaker.
8. "What a hare-brained scheme," she exclaimed.
9. pre-empt, speedup, 55 mph, hooky.
10. The Mafia, was responsible for the murder.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Writing for the Mass Media 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11

1. Estalene Smoots dropped her French class the first day of school.
2. Sadie Hoots won $3.2 million on "Wheel of Fortune."
3. Frustrated that their professor required them to eat fried rutabagas, the students walked out of the class at 9 a.m Thursday.
4. The office manager had 21 plants, 62 cats and two puppies.
5. President Aubrey Lucas is originally from Compton, Calif.
6. On Oct. 25, Ruth Ann Bobetski will turn 41.
7. Goober Hicks lives at 10 W. Hardy St. He used to live in a run-down shack at 2803 Williamsburg road.
8. Abby gave birth to a 9-pound boy.
9. The president invited me to dinner at the White House, but I could not fit it into my schedule.
10. Sen. Davies said his earnings had increased 10 percent in the 1980s.
11. Barney the Dinosaur will be executed Nov. 2.
12. Twenty-five vagabonds attacked me from behind, in front of the hub.
13. Snarkle found a 10-inch bug crawling in her spaghetti. "Great! Now I won't need seconds," she exclaimed.
14. All the men in the ROTC chapter wore red, white and blue pantyhose to class in January 1991.
15. The Bay City baseball team lost its final game 2-1 and climbed dejectedly back onto its bus.

1. mph
2. A civil case is one in which an individual, business or agency of government seeks damages or relief  from another individual, business or agency of government. A criminal case is one that the state or the federal government brings against an individual charged with committing a crime.
3. The eyewitness found himself in an eye-to-eye confrontation.
4. A clock reading.
5. Never.
6. Scene 2.
7. Q-tips
8. Capitol.
9. When it is used as an adjective.
10. Christian Science Church. Both.

1. The United States comprises 50 states.
2. A.D. 33.
3. czar.
4. QE2
5. courts-martials
6. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.
7.  Navy ROTC
8. liberal.
9. Pour.
10. Atlanta.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

CNA #2

New Zealand doctor 'stitches up leg' after shark attack

James Grant, a doctor, was fishing near Colac Bay, New Zealand when a shark bit his leg. After stabbing the shark to escape, Grant stitched up his leg using a first aid kit. He then traveled to a nearby pub for a drink. Source.

Royal overspend prompts call to open palace doors

Because of overspending by the royal family, the Public Accounts Committee is encouraging the Queen to find ways to increase the royal family's income. One suggestion includes opening Buckingham palace to visitors more often. Income from the palace visitations could also be used to manage historic properties such as Windsor Castle and Victoria and Albert Mausoleum. Source

German cows cause methane blast in Rasdorf

Dairy cows in Rasdorf, Germany produced such a high methane concentration that the shed they lived in exploded. The explosion  was sparked by a static electric charge. Only one cow and the roof of the shed were damaged. Source

Friday, January 24, 2014

Writing for the Mass Media 1.13 and 1.14

1.13 Brevity
1. Wore a goatee
2. Throughout the nation
3. Was identified
4. Appeared ill
5. A body was found
6. In Los Angelas
7. Cost ten dollars
8. Broke a rule
9. For May
10. For a short time
11. A pioneer
12. The incumbent
13. Will close
14. At Sixth and Elm
15. For shocking

1.14 Wordiness

1. There was no doubt that Hannah would soon become a recognized Jazz singer.
2. Midville is a small, family-friendly town.
3. Ed meticulously charted his church denomination's growth.
4.  Erin felt the quality of her education did not justify her college's high tuition.
5. Incomprehensibly, mathematically challenged Sally signed up for one of the hardest math courses.
6. Missing prerequisite courses made it difficult for John to schedule his upcoming semester.
7. Professors give little thought to the problem of expensive textbooks.
8. Alex thinks that reading as much as he can will improve his writing.
9. Football has replaced baseball as the favorite sport in this country.
10. Laura stayed in her room most of February fighting a cold.
11. Because work ethic is key to success, I dislike aiding the negligent.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

CNA #1

Bill proposes bigger bang for fireworks

A bill has been proposed to legalize the sale of larger fireworks in the state of Virginia. Fireworks would be smaller than commercial grade and only sold to those over eighteen. Lawmakers hope that the bill will boost economy and the job market in Virginia. Source.

GLTC service expands access to grocery shopping

The Greater Lynchburg Transit Company (GLTC) started a free bus service from James River Crossing--a low income residential area--to a local Food Lion. This service is hoped to increase healthy food shopping in Lynchburg's lower income population. This service also opens up job opportunities at the grocery store during the high-traffic GLTC  hours. Source

Mark Burnett and Roma Downey screen new movie in Lynchburg

Celebrity TV producer's Matt Burnett and Roma Downey spoke with Liberty University Students about their upcoming film "Son of God" at the Universities convocation Monday (1/20) morning. The couple stressed their Christian faith and petitioned students to promote their faith centered film. Burnett and Downey hosted a private screening of the film Monday evening at a local theater. Source


CNA Practice

Winter Storm Janus Forecast: Wind-Driven Northeast Snowstorm from Washington to Boston

The winter storm Janus will bring snowfall and strong winds to the East Coast. Storm will likely only last until Wednesday (1/22) evening. Snow may stick around due to low temperatures in the northeast. Source.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ten Facts About Liberty University's New Jerry Falwell Library

   1.    It has iPad-like devices sprinkled around the building that enable you to easily search the library’s        archives.
   2.    There are three categories of study zones: collaborative, quiet and deep quiet.
   3.    The group study rooms have walls and windows that you can draw on with dry erase markers.
   4.     Special school of music events will be held in the library’s large atrium.
   5.     If you find one of the golden tickets hidden around the library you can exchange it for a prize at the    concierge desk.
   6.     There is a four-story book tower that houses the majority of the library’s books.
   7.     You can share photos taken in the library on the interactive media wall that is located in the atrium.
   8.     A Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Brioche Diorre and fresh Sushi venue are available to students at the library’s   Tinney cafĂ©.
   9.   The building is 170,000 square feet.

  10. The library was the first building on campus directly named after Jerry Falwell Sr. by Liberty    University’s board.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What is Good Writing?

Some articles and books pull you into a story and captivate you until they end. Others struggle to keep you interested or confuse you in the process. What is the difference between the "good" and "bad" writing? After all, the good writers are using the same twenty-six letters as the bad writers right? Just like chefs, writers can use the same materials but end up with totally different creations depending on the recipe. 
Good writing cannot be attributed to just one element. Some, but not all, elements of good writing include grammar, punctuation, ideas, organization, and clarity. Grammar and punctuation are like the flour in a cake. They are integrated with all the other ingredients and support the whole work, even though they may not be the most interesting or glamorous ingredients. Ideas are also main ingredients but, like baking powder and eggs, give the work body and substance. Organization and clarity are like sugar in that they give the work purpose and help the creation to become something delicious.

All of these components alone would not make an appetizing product. Good grammar and punctuation can only go so far without clear ideas and vice versa. Practice is the only way one will get better at any skill. No one wakes up one morning and is instantly a phenomenal writer or chef. It takes hours of repetition, observation and even error. One final ingredient could be called the icing on the cake of writing; a strong command of words. An article or cake can be good without the icing. But, the icing gives the piece an extra flare and beauty that packages the "good writing cake" beautifully.