Thursday, April 10, 2014

Writing for the Mass Media 11.1

Name: Cassandra Steptoe
Advertisement: Got Milk
1. What is the promise of benefit offered by this headline?
"Model Behavior"
The subliminal message is that the famous model is drinking milk. So, if you drink milk, you will be beautiful and cool like the model.
2. How does the illustration demonstrate the product? How does this illustration attract attention?
The model has a prominent milk mustache and is holding a glass of milk. The model grabs attention because she is posed seductively. Her midriff is bared and a sliver of breast shows.
3. What proofs of the promise of benefit in the headline are offered by the body copy?
The smaller text states that your bones need calcium and milk for density and growth. The text says that milk is "always in fashion". This statement mimics and ties in the model to the ad.
4. What action does this ad tell readers to take?
Drink milk. The question at the bottom asks if the reader has "got milk". If not, the reader feels compelled to buy milk in order to be "in fashion".

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