Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Writing for the Mass Media 5.8

1.  Who: Air Force major Rufus N. Hebernowksi
     What: Aircraft Crash, Man killed
     When: Feb. 19, 12 p.m.
     Where:  Super Shopping Mall
 Air Force major killed when jet plane he was piloting crashed at Super Shopping Mall Feb. 19 12 p.m., 15 cars were destroyed, no one else injured.

2.  Who: City Council
     What: 10 percent city property tax increase
     When: Feb. 19, effect next month
     Where: city council meeting
     Why: to pay to double city park size
     How: taxes raised about $50 yearly
February 19 City Council meeting results in 10 percent property taxes raise that will be used to expand city park, the tax will go into effect next month.

3.  Who: University president for finance, all faculty
     What: 15 percent pay raise for all faculty.
     When: Announced at press conference, effective in the fall.
     Where: Announced on front steps of administration building.
     Why: No pay raise for the faculty in two years.
     How: Increased revenue from state.
University finance president announces 15 percent pay raise in the fall semester for all university faculty, raise enabled by increased state funding.

4.  Who: 200 Journalism Students
     What: Students discussed University's 10 percent tuition raise, decide to boycott journalism classes, held business meeting.
     When: 12 p.m. Feb. 19
     Where: Journalism student association meeting
     Why: To discuss issues, report finances, organize boycott protesting tuition raise.
Journalism Student Association meeting results in journalism class boycott protesting university tuition raise, 200 students attended.

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